Olivera Boskovic est Professeur agrégée de droit privé à l’Université Pars-Cité. Elle est directrice du M2 Juriste d’affaires internationales de l’Université Paris-Cité et Sorbonne Abou Dhabi depuis 2014 et codirectrice du M2 Droit du développement durable à l’Université Paris-Cité depuis 2013. Olivera Boskovic est responsable du thème relations d’affaires internationales du CEDAG, EA 1516 depuis 2019.

Crédit : Editions Wolters Kluwer
This book addresses the most urgent questions related to the remedies against foreign judgments in cross-border enforcement under Brussels I Recast. (Regulation No 1215/2012 on the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters.) Brussels I Recast is intended to simplify and expedite cross-border enforcement of debts. However, some existing issues remain unresolved, and new ones have already been identified since the Regulation entered into force in 2015. This collection of expert essays, the first book to focus systematically and comprehensively on remedies in the light of Brussels I Recast, examines inherent problems and includes practical hypothetical cases illustrating major issues and how they may be resolved. The in-depth analyses conducted by the contributors clearly define serious obstacles and propose solutions that will lead to better implementation of Brussels I Recast, better protection of party’s rights, and further harmonization in this field of civil justice.
- Ouvrage : Provisional measures
- Chapitre d’ouvrage : Remedies Concerning Enforcement of foreign judgments, Brussels I recast
- Auteurs : Vesna Rijavec, Wendy Kennett, Tomaž Keresteš, Tjaša Ivanc
- Auteur du chapitre : Olivera Boskovic
- Éditeur : Editions Wolters Kluwer
- Collection : Droit
- Date de publication : 14 septembre 2018
- EAN : 9789041194169