Laurice Alexandre est Maitre de conférences HDR à l’Université Paris-Cité, chercheure au CEDAG, chercheure associée au MRM Entrepreneuriat, Labex Entreprendre, Université de Montpellier 1 depuis 2014. Elle est co-responsable du Master Entrepreneuriat à la Faculté de droit, d’économie et de gestion et responsable DU Entrepreneuriat en formation continue.

Crédit : Editions Springer Link
The Palgrave Studies of Entrepreneurship in Africa series offers an urgently needed platform to document, promote and showcase entrepre- neurship in Africa and create a unique home for top quality, cutting-edge work on a broad range of themes and perspectives.
Focusing on successful African firms, small and medium sized enter- prises as well as multinational corporations, this series will cover new and ground-breaking areas including innovation, technology and dig- ital entrepreneurship, green practices, sustainability, and their cultural and social implication s for Africa. This series is positioned to eminently capture and energize the monumental changes currently taking place in Africa, well beyond the pervasive informal sector. It will also respond to the great thirst amongst students, researchers, policy and third sec- tor practitioners for relevant knowledge and nuanced insights on how to further promote and institutionalize entrepreneurship, and optimize its benefits across the continent. The series will offer an important platform for interrogating the appropriateness and limits of Western manage- ment practices in Africa, examining new approaches to researching the fast-changing continent.
A diverse set of established experts and emerging scholars based in Africa and around the world will contribute to this series. Projects will also originate from entrepreneurship-themed tracks and Special Interest Groups at major Africa-focused conferences, notably the International Academy of African Business and Development, the Academy of Management Africa, and the Academy of International Business African Chapter. The foregoing breadth and diversity of themes, target authors and manuscript sources will produce a richly distinctive series.
- Ouvrage : Sustainable Fashion: Empowering African Women Entrepreneurs in the Fashion Industry
- Chapitre d’ouvrage : The structure of the textile and Clothing companies in Africa: The women entrepreneurship relevance
- Auteur : Carme Moreno-Gavara et Ana Isabel Jiménez-Zarco
- Auteur du chapitre : Laurice Alexandre
- Éditeur : Editions Springer Link
- Date de publication : 19 mars 2019
- ISBN : 978-3-319-91265-3