Laurice Alexandre est Maitre de conférences HDR à l’Université Paris-Cité, chercheure au CEDAG, chercheure associée au MRM Entrepreneuriat, Labex Entreprendre, Université de Montpellier 1 depuis 2014. Elle est co-responsable du Master Entrepreneuriat à la Faculté de droit, d’économie et de gestion et responsable DU Entrepreneuriat en formation continue.

Crédit : Editions Springer Link
Entrepreneurship is a French word which describes the action of undertaking a venture. However, the concept of entrepreneurship is being expressed in other words such as small business. The concept is part of a multidisciplinary approach: economy, management, psychology, sociology, geography, gender, and education. While the entrepreneur of the sixteenth or eighteenth century was considered as an industrial, an innovator, or a manager, today the entrepreneur should play a large social and economic role and most of all create jobs. This is in light with Drucker’s (1985) definition “entrepreneurship is the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.” Research on entrepreneurship have started with Insudtrials, Economics, and Researchers but gained a lot of interest in Management from the 1970s. Many topics have been addressed such as: the psychological profile, the opportunity concept, the entrepreneurial intention, internationalization, education, business model, intrapreneurship, social and responsible entrepreneurship, gender, and so on.
- Ouvrage : The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible
- Chapitre d’ouvrage : Entrepreneurship
- Auteur : Vlad Petre Glăveanu
- Auteur du chapitre : Laurice Alexandre
- Éditeur : Editions Springer Link
- Date de publication : 5 mars 2019
- EAN : 978-3030909123